YouTuber GuitarmageddonZL1 decided he wanted to make his fifth-generation Chevrolet Camaro ZL1 even louder, so he installed an electric diverter. And that’s actually not a bad idea, as it allows the driver to open up the exhaust when he wants to be loud and obnoxious, and keep it stock sounding when driving around town.
The problem? The exhaust got so loud during one WOT run that it triggered the side-airbag sensors and caused them to deploy without warning.. while the ZL1 was traveling down the road at 140 MPH!
If you don’t feel like watching the installation of the electric diverters, you can skip to the 7:20 mark, where he takes the Camaro for its maiden voyage with the new hardware. And then at 10:15, all hell breaks loose, with the airbags deplying and cutting their visibility to zero!
So what exactly happened to cause this? The YouTuber and his mechanic believe that that one or both side-airbag sensors were tripped because of their proximity to the diverter outlets.

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